Mawra Hocane Wants To Be Versatile

From --- being a {VJ} to a Bollywood rising young star Mawra Hocanes had a significant excursion. In a late meeting with Hindustan Times, Mawra talked about going up against testing parts. I need to take up something like Umrao Jaan, essentially period dramatizations. I cherish them on screen and it is fascinating to act in one." I am perusing scripts right now and concluding subtle elements. I am open to working in all classes and would prefer not to farthest point myself by searching for work in a specific sort of film. I would prefer not to arrange anything. I jump at the chance to take out of this world, particularly with regards to my vocation. I simply need to continue working. Be it movies in India or abroad, I will take up great work. I cherish Priyanka Chopra's style of work and would love to tail her vocation way.